Gustav Anders

I am a jazz Pianist from Germany.

I grew up here in Berlin as well as on the countryside. We had many good musicians there. They played together in a BigBand as well as in an orchestra and bands. That fascinated me, so I wanted to make music and be really good at it. When I became a teenager I soaked up music like a sponge. In every five minute break of school I had my Koss-PortaPro headphones on my head, listening to each record that gave me emotions from System of a Down to Marcus Miller and Herbie Hancook. I played the violin by that time and jammed a lot on the piano, alone or together with a good friend. There was music all around, so my parents and I decided to let me change to a school in Berlin, where there were even more musicians with ambitions. It was at that time, that techno became really popular in Berlin. I had friends that took me to every possible rave in city and in our free time we started to produce techno. We even played our songs locally and it appeared that the people really enjoyed jazz harmonies over housebeats. When i started studying in Dresden me and my friends played at every possible home party. I was practicing a lot and had a highly keen professor. It is hard to play Haydn after a long night…. So I began to practice more and play less. I was ambitious and I wanted to make the most out of my classes. This is where I am now. I graduated, I am back in Berlin, I do a lot of music and I carry that all with me. There is some techno, some classic, certainly a lot of jazz and hiphop. Time to create.